Preplanned initiates Preparedness

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 24:27 English Standard Version (ESV)

Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house.

Today’s lesson will speak about being “prepared” for certain things in the future. We (ihlcc) have seen many people accuse God of not coming through for a future problem when the responsibility for dealing with the problem really belongs to them (The Believer). This is why we sent this short teaching out to the people of God who need more understanding of how the partnership of God and man (or we could say His Children) works to get things done in this earth. In our reference scripture a house is used as an example. If I am “planning” on building a house I need to choose a location next and count up the cost. We need to do that along with many other practical tasks. Yes, “planning” to have a house looking just the way you imagined is easy when it comes to just picturing the house in your mind. However, when it comes to actually constructing the house that is another story altogether because real physical effort must be applied. We must do all the practical tasks that we are designed to do while we trust God to help us and do the things we cannot do on our own. This is why the more you can “preplan” the better “prepared” you should be. Failure is often the byproduct of “unpreparedness” because if you don’t see failure coming your lack of foresight will manifest a disappointing failure. We hope you are starting to understand if I want to be successful in life I must apply the principles of the Word of God (The Holy Bible) which is “God’s Plan” to “Prepare man” (yes, you included). You see faith friend ihlcc is “planning” on spending an eternity with God so we must “prepare” ourselves today for that eternity by spending time with God today to see what His (God’s) Will is for our temporary life here on earth. Anything that you know of today that is coming up in the future should be “planned” for and that “plan” should include a comparable amount of “preparation”. For example when buying a new home one must “plan” on purchasing at the right price, the right location, the right size, the right style (ranch, split levels, brick, etc…). Many of these questions are answered through proper “planning” of what you really desire. You must start with what you need as a family not just one member of the family then you can discuss what your budget can afford. If you are like most Americans you will purchase near (or over) your upper limit for mortgage cost. The problem many Americans face after they buy a new house is they didn’t “diligently plan” on all the associated cost that comes with buying a new home. This additional cost can put you at risk of not have enough money to make it comfortably from paycheck to paycheck so you can’t fully enjoy the new home six months in because money is tight. All this comes with lack of “planning” because if you don’t “plan” on it you can’t be “prepared” for it. When buying a new home insurance cost can go up, property cost can go up, homeowners association cost could be added, all utility cost could rise and landscaping cost may increase too, etc… . So don’t think talking to the previous home owner will answer all your questions because they typically only want to share the words they think you want to hear. We (ihlcc) have bought several houses and we can openly and honestly say each new house has cost us more than we “planned” for but we take responsibility for “planning” better next time, it is our responsibility not solely God’s alone. This is why if you are like us it is very easy to think you are completely ready for what lies ahead because you thoroughly “planned” for it. However, five to six months into the new house you know you were not fully “prepared” for all the additional expenses. Sometimes, when you increase your living space a family member or close friend may ask to join you in living at your new home which would be another change in “plans” that you wouldn’t be “prepared” for. These are real issues in life that occur in one way or another so at best all we can do is “properly plan” for what we do know and pray to God to help us manage the many things we don’t know (the unknown). What we (ihlcc) mean by the unknown is being “prepared” for the rainy day. We could all “plan” on having a savings account for an expense that is unknown at the time of saving. Using the car as example we can get a flat tire at any time but if you have already anticipated a tire replacement within the next year you could have that money already stored in your saving account, so when the tire needs to be replaced (not if, but when) the provision was already in place. In another example of owning a house in which we all know major and minor appliances are going to reach an end of their life so why not “plan” on having $7,000 dollars put away in savings just for an appliance replacement coming down the road. Remember it is not a question of if an appliance will fail but rather when it will fail. You don’t want to be irresponsible by ignoring every potential problem that is included in your future. Some believers hear about God keeping the Children of Israel clothes intact for several years and believe God will do the same for them but they fail to reckon with the fact that the Children of Israel where not working when God made the clothes to stay, they were operating outside of God’s Perfect Will for their life. They were traveling people on route to their designation but when they lost sight of their purpose they forsook “God’s Plan” and without “proper preparation” many Israelites died along the way. Plus, if the Lord is showing you something coming up in the future that gives you adequate time to prepare for it. This is why we stated earlier no believer should question, “Why God didn’t take care of a present event that was seen coming to man earlier by God? The answer is God is our helper and healer He works with us, not apart from us. If man isn’t seeking God to “plan” for the future and if man isn’t asking God how to be “prepared” for the days ahead then most people will never see tragedy coming in the future. Therefore if you don’t “plan” and “prepare” He has nothing to work with so generally speaking God’s Good Will doesn’t get preformed in those tragic situations. No, fellow believer we must do our part first, then God will certainly make good on His part after that guaranteed. Remember Matthew 18:18 ESV proclaims, “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Notice the actions starts with you down here on earth, then The Lord completes the transaction in Heaven (in the spiritual realm). So be a good steward over the resources God has given you by “planning first, then preparing secondly” to help you have a bright and prosperous future in Christ Jesus, the Living Light that guides all believers upon this earth in Jesus Name. If Jesus did not “plan” on dying His entire earthly life He would have never been “prepared” for the crucifixion of the cross. We (ihlcc) are so glad Jesus came to His Cross prepared, all glory, honor and praise be unto God our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!